

An interactive simulation consists of three main elements:

  1. A simulation model.

  2. An interactive control panel.

  3. Various visualization widgets that display information about the simulation.

Simulation model

The simulation model is a class that can perform a discrete simulation steps. The package is built to be compatible with model’s that are written in AgentPy. Alternatively, one can define custom simulation models as classes with the following attributes:

  • sim_setup (method): Prepares the simulation (time-step 0).

  • sim_step (method): Performs a single step of the simulation.

  • set_parameters (method): Takes a dictionary with parameter names and values as an input and uses them to update the model’s parameters.

  • running (bool): Indicator whether the simulation is still active.

A simple model that increases a variable x by a parameter dx per step would look like this:

class MyModel():

    def sim_setup(self):
        self.running = True
        self.x = 0

    def sim_step(self):
        self.x += self.dx
        if self.x > self.x_max:
            self.running = False

    def set_parameters(self, parameters):
        self.dx = parameters['dx']

Control panel

The class Control provides an interactive widget to run and reset a simulation model as well as sliders to change parameter values.

Visualization widgets

Data collectors

A data collector is an instruction on how to retrieve data from a model. Most IPySimulate widgets take multiple such collectors as input arguments. A collector can be defined in two ways:

  1. As a string, referring to a model attribute. For example, a collector ‘x’ would retrieve the model’s attribute x. Sub-attributes like e.g. ‘x.y.z’ can be given using the . seperator.

  2. A collector can be given as a function that takes the model as an input and returns the value. For example, the collector ‘x.y.z’ could instead be given as lambda model: return model.x.y.z.

Pre-defined widgets

At the moment, there are two pre-defined visualization widgets:

Custom widgets

Alternatively, it is also possible to define custom visualization widgets: